Artist: Andrey and Aleksey Kulibin
Title: Atlas XXI, The Epoch series
Year: 2020
Medium: Sculpture
Style: Figurative Art
Materails: Mixed media; Wood (oak veneer, birch plywood), baguette frame, mirror material, flock fabric, acrylic paint
Height: 115 cm
Width: 115 cm
Depth: 8 cm
Weight: 15 kg
Description and information about the work:
The artwork depicts Atlas holding up a smiling emoji. The area around emoji’s eyes is made of a material called the Black Mirror. This element is used in each artwork of the series (David XXI, Zeus XXI, Atlas XXI, Medusa XXI, Demeter XXI and Afrodita XXI). Black Mirror is a reference to smartphones’ and other gadgets’ black screens. Yellow is a classic emoji color. In Atlas XXI, a yellow image is embodied in a smiling emoji on Atlas’s shoulders. The yellow light coming from a flock emoji is a metaphor for digital corporations’ influence on a Human, our culture and role in a modern world.
Exhibition history:
Group exhibition at The Holy Art gallery, London (September 20 - October 19, 2022)