Artist: Andrey and Aleksey Kulibin
Title: Zeus XXI, The Epoch series, Edition of 21
Year: 2020
Medium: Sculpture
Style: Figurative Art, Concept art
Materails: Mixed media; Wood (oak veneer, birch plywood), baguette frame, mirror material, flock fabric, acrylic paint
Height: 112 cm
Width: 112 cm
Depth: 8 cm
Weight: 15 kg
Description and information about the work:
Black Mirror elements in Zeus XXI are also used in other artwork of The Epoch series (David XXI, Zeus XXI, Atlas XXI, Medusa XXI, Demeter XXI and Afrodita XXI). Black Mirror is a reference to smartphones’ and other gadgets’ black screens. The artwork’s main visual accent is the image of Zeus and black emoji hearts in his nimbus. Zeus is blurred, indistinct and hardly discernible. Half-emojis are intricately built into a mirror-like part of the artwork, forming an integral image through symmetric reflections of a half a heart. That’s a metaphor for integration, penetration of digital world into a Human everyday life.